Happy Workplace

Happy Workplace

Talent Cultivation and Development

 ● Strategy:Accumulate talent strengths, optimize the job rotation heritage.
Goals of 2030:
 ● Training hour per staff up to 48 hours/year
 ● Establish a key personnel talent pool and plan the talent
development roadmap

"Looking forward into overseas business deployment and the global trend of sustainable supply chain, we are promoting low-carbon smart paper transformation at full steam. Apart from enhancing the internal carbon reduction synergy through technology and operations, we emphasize the maximization of sustainable influence more. We also focus on developing green leaders that can keep up with the times, building a happy workplace featuring 'sense of honor,' 'sense of responsibility,' and 'sense of achievement' to incentivize and retain talents."

Chairperson Frank Cheng

10-Year Sustainability Talents Plan for Transformation towards Low-Carbon Operations, with a Total of 327 Internal Instructors Trained

Upholding the corporate education philosophy of “accumulate talent strengths,” we actively transform into a multifaceted and inclusive learning organization to develop sustainability talents. We set 48 hours of education and training per employee, empowerment of 300 internal instructors, and realization of young management by 2030 as the targets to systematically implement ESG competency education and develop multifaceted international talents through job rotation in response to the increase in overseas business locations. By 2023, we have successfully trained over 327 internal instructors, ensuring the implementation of educational heritage both domestically and internationally.

In 2020 we introduced the 10-Year Talents Empowerment Plan to respond to the group's implementation of the smart low-carbon paper plan in 2019. Based on the position and grade, contents were divided into fundamental competencies and professional competencies, focusing on technology and engineering, ESG governance, digital technology, crisis management, international languages, and digital talents management and evaluation system to promote total competence upgrading of employees through top-down implementation. In response to the trend in different fields, apart from dynamically setting targets and developing course contents for internal training and establishing long-term management and talents development plans for key positions, we also actively implement industry–academia collaboration, internship, and interdisciplinary programs, and run an internal academy to develop a steady sustainable talent pool for CLC and traditional industries. In 2023, we also revised the "Promotion and Managerial Position Allowance Adjustment Review Procedures," incorporating related courses such as "ESG Sustainable Management" and "Code of Ethical Conduct and Anti-Corruption Advocacy" as mandatory subjects for employee promotions to strengthen their ESG-related knowledge and adherence to ethical standards.

The per Person Training Hour was 67.7 Hours (+11.7 Hours YoY); for the Entire Group, It Reached 54.6 Hours (+9.6 Hours YoY)

Set the minimum hours of learning for required professional training and training as time off in lieu to encourage employees to enrich professional competencies adaptively. In Taiwan area, the annual employee education/training was 249,036 hours (including E-Learning), and the per person training hour was 67.7 hours (+11.7 hours YoY) in 2023. For the entire group, the annual employee education/training was 335,690 hours, and the per person training hour was 54.6 hours (+9.6 hours YoY).

Additionally, aiming to become “Asia's new low-carbon and green energy paper company,” we also joined the "TALENT, in Taiwan." Utilizing our expertise in paper material design, we created a "Reading Bar" in our office area, hosted book exchange meetings, and launched the "i Reading" project which selects excellent books every quarter and provides a variety of publications for free reading. Additionally, over 80 executives participate in sharing and circulating selected key books.

Establish Own Responsible Units to Draw up Training Strategies and Targets

Enhance training for key talents in response to the low-carbon operations transformation and group globalization. We developed the CLC organization benchmark learning system, established responsible training units, and built the business and industry key talents pool to continuously enrich multifaceted training resources.

CLC Talent Cultivation System: For more information, please refer to the CLC official website


Multifaceted Inclusion, Deploying Key Management Talent Pools at Home and Abroad

We value professional innovation and multifaceted inclusion and emphasize the inventory of the management and technology capabilities of key talents, and intermediate and senior officers. Additionally, we are committed to resolving the traditional labor-intensive and industry aging problems by actively promoting young and potential talents. We value the performance of female employees to build a gender-friendly workplace. With such, we aim to develop young and multifaceted officers.

For employees to keep up with new knowledge and put theory to practice, we perform annual performance evaluation and evaluation for new employees. Those who have been working (including reinstatement) with us for 1 year will receive the performance evaluation. The evaluation maintains absolute objectivity and equity regardless of gender. Employees are rated and ranked by their performance and will be rewarded according to CLC’s operational performance in the year.

Moreover, we set building the local green leader pool as our macroscopic goal to enforce ESG talents development. We apply thematic education and training for intermediate and senior officers. In 2023, we focused on enhancing: team communication, establishment of management guidelines, supervisor job rotation, and digital decision-making applications. Additionally, we introduced digital management tools and built modularized management guidelines to ensure that supervisors engaging with overseas location expansion can maintain management at the same breadth and depth.